Styles LegendsΒΆ

In WMTS and WMS services capabilities documents, styles can be associated with a <LegendURL> element that allows clients to retrieve an image representing the style legend. In the following example we can see the <LegendURL> element for rain style (WMS 1.1.0):

  <LegendURL width="128" height="123">
    <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ows?service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image/png&width=128&height=123&layer=topp:states&style=rain"/>

When using GeoWebCache integration with GeoServer, styles legends are automatically configured for GeoServer layers. Layers configured using a WMS capabilities document will also have their styles legends automatically configured.

When configuring a layer using the REST interface or through geowebcache.xml configuration file the user needs to configure the styles legends, otherwise no <LegendURL> elements will be included in WMS and WMTS services capabilities documents.

Both REST interface and geowebcache.xml configuration file use the same XML structure. A legend configuration is associated with a certain style in the context of a certain layer, follows a configuration example:

   <legends defaultWidth="20" defaultHeight="20" defaultFormat="image/png">
     <legend style="population"/>
     <legend style="pophatch">
     <legend style="polygon">

The following properties can be used to configure a legend info:




the style to which this legend belongs


the width of the legend image


the height of the legend image


the image format of the legend image


the URL that can be used to retrieve the legend image


minimum scale denominator (inclusive) for which this legend image is valid (WMTS only)


maximum scale denominator (exclusive) for which this legend image is valid (WMTS only)

This properties can be provided in several ways using <legends> and <legend> elements. Default values for properties width, height and format can be configured using respectively attributes defaultWidth, defaultHeight and defaultFormat of <legends> element. The default values can be overridden using elements width, height and format inside <legend> elements.

The style property value needs to be provided using style attribute of <legend> elements. The url property is a little more complex, if nothing is say the WMS layer base URL will be used to build a WMS GetLegendGraphic request. Element <url> can be used to provide another base URL, and this one will be used instead of the layer base URL. Element <completeUrl> can be used to provide an URL that should be used as is to retrieve the legend image.

Properties minScale and maxScale can be provided using the <legend> element, this properties will only be used by WMTS service.

Looking at the example above, the legend configured for population style will produce the following legend URL for WMTS:

<LegendURL width="20" height="20" format="image/png"

Note that the layer base URL was used as the base URL for the legend URL. In the example above a different base URL is provided for the legend associated with style pophatch using the <url> element. The produced legend URL will look like this for WMTS:

<LegendURL width="20" height="20" format="image/png"

In some situations it may be useful to provide an already complete URL to the legend image (custom vendors parameters, a static image or different protocol). In the example above the legend URL for style polygon will use an already complete URL and will look like this for WMTS:

<LegendURL width="50" height="100" minScaleDenominator="5000" maxScaleDenominator="10000"
  format="image/gif" xlink:href="http://localhost/polygon.gif"/>

In WMS the legend URL element for polygon style will look like this:

<LegendURL width="50" height="100">
    <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://localhost/polygon.gif"/>

WMS and WMTS legend URL elements have a different structure and different mandatory elements. In WMTS only properties format and url are mandatory. In WMS properties width, height, format and url are mandatory.